Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wifely Wedding Wonderings

Last night I was going through wedding gifts, cards, etc and I was overwhelmed by how much I (well we I guess) were loved.  The outpouring of generosity from our friends and family made me feel like the most important person in the world.  I started to wonder why we only take the time to show people how important they are when significant events happen in their lives.  So many things are cause for celebration other than graduations, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and births. 
                This thought gave me an idea.  There’s no reason to only give gifts and random acts of love on days of celebration.  And so, I have resolved to start celebrating random events.  God calls us to love one another, and the way I love best is by giving gifts.  Buying someone a pair of shoes or a big bunch of golden sunflowers, or stopping by with some DQ ice cream never ceases to make someone’s day.  This act of love blesses both the giver and the receiver.  The ear-to-ear smile I see when I randomly bring someone a gift is infectious.  Remembering that smile during a bad day gives me a burst of happiness.  It also promotes selflessness.  Putting others before yourself is always a good habit.  This act may also prompt the receiver to start doing the same thing.  Spreading love in family groups and even on to strangers is definitely something we need to practice.  Or at least I know I need to practice. 
                And so, as I start this journey I invite my friends and family to also join me.  Start giving gifts, smiles, and hugs.  Whatever your language of love is spread it freely.  The Lord has called us to shine His light into the world.  Burn brightly.  Let there be no doubt that we burn with the fire of Christ. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Love you ...
    even though I'm not one your blogs you follow :)
